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Desktop PCATD, BATD & ATD's Benefits in Training
I thought I would start a thread on the benefits of utilizing desktop flight simulators in training your students for the instrument rating. Would you like to share your thoughts on the pros and cons of integrating them into your syllabus? What are the most valued...
Views: 241   Replies: 2
Last Post: Nov 5, 2009 10:07am
by Alan Davis
Combined Private and Instrument Check Rides
How many SAFE memebers intend to send a student for a combined Privae and Instrument practical test? It strikes me that this combination requires an awful lot of solo PIC cross country, at least under Part 61. If the student earns the Private first, then instrume...
Views: 215   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 3, 2009 12:29pm
by Ken Lane
IMC in IR training
One of our Club Members has already over 27 hours of actual experience. "just wanted to make sure I was ready for the real world. As it turns out it looks like I will end up with over 26 hours of actual instrument conditions and I must say I feel ready for the rea...
Views: 237   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 24, 2009 2:08pm
by Radek
Cross country definition
As a new IGI (and still relatively inexperienced instrument rated PP) I encountered what probably will be my first of several disagreements over the definitions and regs...the definition and meaning of what counts as cross country time. I was recently acting as a saf...
Views: 243   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 24, 2009 7:30am
by Robert Lee
First of its kind in the nation the IMC Club has regular meetings where local pilots and students can meet and learn more about IFR flying with the opportunity to share their own knowledge and expertise. These meetings are open to the public. There is no fee charged...
Views: 248   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 18, 2009 5:38am
by Radek Wyrzykowsk...
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