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Re: NAFI Survey

It is not enough to be right, you have to be effective. NAFI may have planned this survey well in advance, but the timing of the release could not have been worse.

This situation with NAFI started 2 months ago. Since that time we have received a well written piece of correspondence from the board that says we are working on the problem. The absence of acknowledgment that TBO-NAFI exists and mostly silence from the board by all appearances indicates that they are ignoring the problem. If I am wrong then prove it.

To others such as the Board and Mr. Poberezny our actions may seem irrational. It may seem as a bunch of spoiled children who threaten to take their marbles and go play elsewhere. We see it differently. Why?

At the heart of this issue is communication. If the Board wishes us to believe that they are sincere, then communicate more effectively. If the Board wishes us to believe something different then give information that will enable us to draw a different conclusion. We act on the basis of the information we have. We draw our conclusions on the basis of that info.

Daily silence blends to weeks and then to months. Patience wears thin. I believe that the Board has probably done a minimum of effort so that they may truthfully say "we are working on the problem". In Mr. Poberezny's response he indicated that he can multi-task, apparently the Board cannot.

The last correspondence I received form the Board was on Nov 12th in which they announced that a pre-planned survey would be released "in the near future". One month later we received that survey. On Oct 18th I sent a list of recommendations to the Board. All were received well except for one recommendation. I will give you item 7 as it appeared in those recommendations: "7. Recognize the Ad Hoc committee formed by NAFI members and presently led by Rich Stowell as a legitimate committee charged with the responsibility of providing recommendations for changes in by-laws. "

Mr. Poyner specifically said he disagreed with that recommendation. It was the only one he responded to negatively. I repeat, the only one. Does that give you a hint as to why this is a continuing problem.

Brian is correct. This survey is a smokescreen. If this Board took half the effort in re-writing the by-laws that they have taken in avoiding the issue, we would have had new by-laws last month.