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Having Slept On It

Having slept on it and with many thanks to Tom Poberezny for taking my call and listening to my concerns, my actions are still to remove all NAFI info from my website and the Wings from my publications. I'm also not writing a check to NAFI until these problems are resolved.

I'm not expecting an overnight response from anyone, especially those with the highest of emotions involved, but I have set my own deadline for when progress towards a member-responsive leadership should be in place. Obviously, the problem is not "who's going to do the work" as it is in many volunteer organizations, but something else, the fact that so few people can cause a harm to so many with no say in their actions.

So few people are in a position to do so much harm and they have caused harm to the Master CFI program, using the Master CFI for CFI renewals, and the court of public opinion for the entire flight instruction community. Plus, they're giving EAA a black eye. Even worse, as members, we have no say in these few, even fewer now, people's actions.

Re: Hills removed from Master CFI Program

Add me to the (growing) list of people who are displeased with NAFI. I am one of the double Masters, that is MCFI/MGI and because of the behavior of the board, I cannot but feel that those designations and indeed the entire profession of aviation educator has been cheapened.
I can understand the EAA wanting to bring the Master Program in House, but the way the board went about it certainly doesn't follow the NAFI Code of Ethics.

Re: Hills removed from Master CFI Program

I sent an email to Mr. Blair expressing my disgust and outrage at the ousting of the Hills from the NAFI Board of Directors. I told him the political underhandedness of using an internal election process to get rid of them, and using a member election process to vote in their successors was absolutely unacceptable. I too received the form-letter response, and I too will be canceling my membership.