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What has happened in NAFI?


This is a copy of an email that I sent to the current Board of Directors of NAFI. It is my perspective as a professional leader and teacher to America's young men when it comes to combat.



I will offer you my perspective of the ongoing NAFI crisis but not as a pilot, not as a flight instructor, not even as a son.

I am so ashamed of all that has transpired over the last few months that I feel compelled to say something.

I grew up with NAFI in my life.  I have met many wonderful people and experienced many wonderful things because of NAFI.  I looked at those people who worked in NAFI with my parents almost as an extended family.

You all have many different professional backgrounds but my parents have devoted their entire professional lives to education. Together, they have more than 70 years experience. Whether they were in a high school classroom, an airplane, a hotel conference room, an office, or an airshow forum tent somewhere, they truly cared about bettering the world around them and leading by example.  I watched as their dream of the Master Instructor Program grew from an idea into a nationally acclaimed program to better the lot of flight instructors.

From what little I have seen of this whole ordeal, men I have known, admired, and respected for most of my life seem to be acting like jealous children.  The lack of professionalism and respect  that has been displayed by a group of "educators" has stripped NAFI and the Master Instructor Program of the all the hard-earned credibility that took EVERYONE years to build. Educators are expected to set an example to emulate and treat their position of influence with the utmost dignity and responsibility.

For an association of professional educators that has worked so long to support the betterment of fellow educators, I must say that you have all failed miserably at being role models and leaders in aviation education.

I truly believe that at this point, with or without JoAnn and Sandy, and with or without the Master Instructor Program, NAFI has sacrificed its own existence as a respectable and credible professional association.  You have lost my respect and trust, along with the trust and respect of a great many NAFI members as well as many in the aviation industry and the FAA. This is particularly painful to me because so many of you have been so supportive of me during my time in the Marine Corps.

Have you all asked yourselves lately exactly on whose behalf are you acting?  Your membership?  Your fellow aviation professionals?  Or it is out of self-preservation and vanity that you are destroying the association? If NAFI in some form survives this crisis you have created, it will bear the scars of your actions for many many years to come.


Matthew A Hill

Re: What has happened in NAFI?

Being a new instructor holding a certificate for a couple weeks shy of a year, this event is very disappointing.

I was a NAFI member for five years before even receiving my CFI certificate. I saw it appropriate to draw from available resources and prepare myself for becoming an aviation educator in the truest sense of the phrase. I'm not here to log hours and certainly not because it involves a get-rich-quick scheme.

I believe it's important there be a national organization that holds credibility and is recognized by the federal agency that allows us the priviledge to practice this profession. It's apparent NAFI has lost one and is likely well on its way to losing the other.

I also believe it's important this organizaton facilitate and perpetuate growth in professionalism and exercise of safety followed by continued growth in knowledge. Without this, any such organization is worthless.

It is my hope this new organization follows these and greater pursuits. Kudos to those putting forth the effort and leading this process.