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NAFI Master instructor web site update

As many of you know, and some of you probably don't know, I am the webmaster for I have spent countless hours developing, updating and trying to keep the website current for all current Master Instructors, and anyone who wanted to become a Master. There have been more than 7000 visits by different computers to that site, and has been a very important part of the Master Instructor program. I have never received one penny of compensation from NAFI for the cost of the domain name or monthly fees hosting this site. I have done it pro bono as a service to the Master Instructor program; not as a service to the Hill's, but rather to the integrity of the program. NAFI has hired a law firm to intimidate me into having this site removed, and the domain name turned over to NAFI (whoever that is). The firm has also been employed to terminate the contract the Hill's had with NAFI for the Master instructor program.
The membership needs to know how their dues are being used, or rather misused.

Re: NAFI Master instructor web site update

Do you own the "" domain name, Ron?

If so, seems to me you can either tell NAFI to pound sand, or sell the rights to the domain name to them for, say, a whole lot of money...

Or better yet, you could continue to own the domain name, renewing it each time so that NAFI can never, ever use it!


Re: NAFI Master instructor web site update


Thank you fopr your selfless efforts to the NAFI Master's website. It is a shame that the organization, which has chosen to ignore a significant number of the members, has chosen to ignore the foundation upon which the group was originally founded. If NAFI wants the URL I suggest that you submit a bill to them for all of the expenses associated with your commitment to maintaining the site. As a NAFI Master I personally want to thank you for your honor and commitment to the integrity of the program.

Re: NAFI Master instructor web site update

The letters from the law firm to Ron and the Hills need to posted on this site so TBO members can see what "our" organization is doing.

Re: NAFI Master instructor web site update

My suggestion (if possible) is to retain the name so it may not be used and forever indicate a notice and forward to whatever domain is established for the new organization.

Re: NAFI Master instructor web site update

I guess the bigger question is, is "Master Instructor" and "MCFI" trademarked? If no, then maybe someone should (hint, hint).