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Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

Doug and Rich -

Well said! I continue to be amazed and appalled by the developments in NAFI. It's bad enough that the Hills have been so poorly treated, and that Ron Galbraith's many contributions to NAFI (including the website he created and maintained at his own expense) have also been dismissed.

I simply cannot understand the justification for directing any of NAFI's limited resources to PR and legal firms. The flight training industry is fragile in the best of times, and further imperiled by the economic situation. I simply cannot see how the NAFI board's actions serve either the membership, or the broader needs of the flight training community.

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

I am so appalled with the boards actions in all respects. They treat two of the nicest people I know badly and then spend association funds to hide behind lawyers and PR folks.

If the board wants to spend money with lawyers, it should be for the protection of the association, not the protection of the board.

My dues are due 2/28/2009 and the way things are going it looks like the won't get paid. I can't be associated with people of dishonor.

To Sandy and JoAnn, you have my full support.

Semper Fi

Ralph Pollmiller

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

Fellow Instructors:
Several months ago as I was preparing to submit my application for Master renewal, I became aware that the NAFI Board was in the processcess of bringing the Master Program in house. I called Jason Blair to ask him some questions about how this would impact the program. He said at that time that everything would be the same as before. I said to him that I thought that the Hill's were doing a great job and that I would hope that they would still be involved with the review process. He said that they would be involved. Now I see that he lied to me! Doug, I completely agree with you. We need to get new leadership and replace the "reprenensibles".

Bob Spera

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

Following this for several months as I have I still find it inexcusable that the leadership of EAA (a vested interest in NAFI) has little regard for the concerns expressed by TBO regarding the leadership of NAFI. Though TBO and the IWG seems to have had little impact on Tom Poberenzy, 400+ letters from the TBO supporters demanding the immediate resignation of the Executive Director and the entire current BOD and be replaced with an interim Board approved by the supporters of TBO until a new set of By Laws are approved by the membership and subsequent election of a new BOD elected by the membership may provide the incentive required to make a change. It is time to make a change. It is quite obvious that the current operating structure of NAFI is oblivious to the concerns expressed by the members of NAFI and they have little regard for policies and procedures that they approved and put into place for the operation of NAFI.

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

Like many of us, I do not need the MCFI designation to renew my CFI. I enjoy the honor is brings to the organizations I represent (FAA as a DPE, CAP as Stan/Eval, my local airport as CFI), all of whom I believe would like me to keep the designation. I have considered not renewing for my 4th time later this year if the changes result in a less distinguished organization. I also am concerned about the FAA's recognition of the designation should the program and review change to new hands. The Hill's have done an excellent job of both administration and advocacy which has served us well. I don't understand the current controversy well enough to know why a change is essential but with the reputation and professionalism shown throughout the years, there seems to be no valid justification for the EAA leadership and board's actions.

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

I agree with everyone's assessment. I fail to understand the Board's actions in light of their fiduciary responsibility to the members It is OUR dues money they're are squandering). I'm at an age where I really couldn't care less about a few more letters after my name but I do care about the profession and what NAFI allegedly stood (past tense!) for. The board's actions are not those of professionals. As an EAA member I have contacted Tom P. and asked that he carefully re-evaluate the relationship with NAFI. As things presently stand I find it to not be in the best interests of EAA to continue the affiliation.

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

Reprehensible and ludicrous, at best, is this type of behavior by a non-profit organizations board of directors.

How does a Board of Directors become empowered to make decisions on behalf of the organization without the voice of the organization being heard? It is the responsibility of a board of directors to carry out the wishes of it's membership... not the other way around.

How does a Board of Directors become empowered to spend the monies of the members for legal counsel or PR? Provisions for disbursement of funds of any kind should be outlined in the Articles of Incorporation and the By Laws of the organization. Does it allow for legal counsel to be hired... if so it should be directed only for use in the defense of the organization not board members personal liability and if the By Laws are unclear... they must be addressed and changed... the members can call for this action!

Sandy and JoAnn Hill have been the voice,face, and backbone of NAFI. They have exhibited nothing less then absolute professionalism and their dedication to the organization and education of the industry is evident in every lecture, phone call, personal appearance and with the time they spend with each and every pilot that they take the time to greet, answer questions and educate about the organization.

To lose these two would be a very sad event and the impact on the structure of the organization would suffer greatly.

Volunteer boards are just that... volunteer and action from the membership should be able to rectify a board direction and/or replacement ... the responsibility is to that of it's members and the membership should settle for nothing less.

My very best to Sandy and JoAnn.... it is an honor and pleasure to work with you.... and always will be!

Cheryl DeFilippo/Hardy
National FAASTeam Representative of the Year 2007

Re: Selfless vs. Reprehensible

It is a sad day in the general aviation flight instruction world when two people who have devoted so much time and energy to the industry are forced out of their organization. I am dismayed that the BOD is not being responsive to the membership. I think they will find it very hard to erect the tent at Sun N Fun and Oshkosh without the members and volunteers. But take heart! Life will go on and a new organization will arise.

Jeff Edwards
2003 National Flight Instructor of the Year