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NAFI & Support for Those Who Have Made It What It Is

I am the 1999 National Flight Instructor of the Year and the 2002 recipient of the Spirit Of Flight Award presented by the Society of Professional Test Pilots and EAA. Until three years ago, I was an ardent supporter of NAFI and all it stood for. I have increasingly found that some of the leadership of NAFI have become totally self serviing. The leadership of the Hills was my last remaining connection with NAFI. Their continued support and promotion of the Flight Instructor community is being summarily destroyed.

The NAFI board is choosing to trample all the hard work of the Hills and in effect every Flight Instructor connected with NAFI. If EAA does not step up to the plate and rectify the situation, the NAFI board will be trampeling EAA's leadership as well!

Changing the present course of NAFI is the only acceptable solution if NAFI is to survive.

David Faile
1999 National Flight Instructor of the Year