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Time running out for NAFI?

I hope Tom Poberezny can pull a rabbit out of the hat in time to save NAFI. Tom thoroughly understands the governance problems with NAFI and has the greatest vested interest in getting them fixed. His predictament however reminds me of the "Mule Psychologist" who started by smacking a mule on the side of the head with a 2x4. When the farmer asked why he did that, he replied "I had to get his attention first."

I hope Tom is succeeding in getting the board's attention and that NAFI makes meaningful change by adopting new bylaws that allow members to elect some portion of the NAFI board. However, I fear it may take a larger 2x4 to get the board to understand that a lot of the membership is about to walk and start a new organization.

Change is good; I see it all around me everyday in Silicon Valley. It's hard to know whether the NAFI board is oblivous to the need to change, very slow to effect change, or ineffective at communicating the progress they may be making. Regardless the clock is ticking.

I fully support the TBO NAFI initiative to create a new organization if the NAFI board is unable to effect the kinds of change we're looking for by January 31.
Max Trescott
2008 National CFI of the Year