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NAFI picks up the tab for their travel to and from all the closed to membership board meetings and all expenses while there. They are not paid a salary, but I firmly believe that there are at least some of the board that deduct their time and expenses toward taxes too, and I'm sure it's not just a small amount. It's my contention that the more they fight the members, the more they deduct, and it doesn't matter how many members are in NAFI, they win no matter what. Some of these people are not even flight instructors, but yet think they know what is best for us, so there is a much deeper unseen drive for them to reject the members requests. There is over $100,000 sitting in an apparently secret NAFI education fund too. Makes you wonder where that money might end up. Are they hoping NAFI will fail? A BoD that fights the dues paying members is something that is beyond belief to me. They have hired a PR firm and a law firm and are paying for those services with OUR money to fight us. Isn't something wrong with this picture?