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The Hill's

For the life of me, I don't understand what has happened to the NAFI board of directors?

The Hill's have been so inspirational to me and so many others in the CFI community, what is wrong with the board? Is their a jealousy problem or a ego trip their on, because feel left out of all the things the Hill's have accomplished? If this situation with the Hill's isn't corrected, I will consider resigning from NAFI.

Lou J. Wipotnik
CFI of the Year 1996

Re: The Hill's

That is a great question. Another question I have been asking myself is, has anyone talked to Sandy and Joann? I would like to know what they think. That does Rusty say about all this? I love Sandy and Joann and am wondering if something happened that NAFI can't disclose... Either way, the way this has been handled is truly disgusting. No matter what may or may not have happened... Sandy and Joann have raised NAFI to a level that no other member has done. VERY sad

Nathan Zucker

Re: Re: The Hill's

The Hills are keeping a low profile for now, partly for legal reasons. I've talked to Sandy a couple times. If you'd like to discuss it, you can find my phone number on my website.

Re: The Hill's

unfortunately, NAFI is nto the organization I joined... as far as I am concerned... SAFE is the ONLY CFI organization worth being a member of. I too will be resigning from NAFI

Nathan Zucker
MCFI 2002-2006