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Individuals vs Organizations

In a recent conversation on the NAFI problems, I was asked whether my loyalty is to individuals or to organizations. I've been thinking about that, and here's the answer I wish I had been articulate enough to offer right away.

Individuals form organizations in order to achieve a specific purpose or goal. Organizations are, in effect, empty shells whose value, meaning, and purpose come from the individuals who populate them.

The NAFI that I joined a dozen or so years ago reflected the values, dedication, and passion of particular individuals -- the Hills, of course, but also the many aviation educators who have been fighting to preserve the NAFI that we knew and loved and supported.

From what I can see, that NAFI no longer exists. Instead of working to improve flight instruction, to build and expand on the success of the Master Instructor program, and to support / promote unity in a community that faces greater hardship than ever in these difficult economic times, the individuals who now populate "NAFI" seem to be focused on protecting the institution -- including through use of expensive legal and PR firms. I simply cannot understand how these actions are consistent with any of the values and goals I thought NAFI stood for.

Seen in that light, my loyalty must be to the individuals whose values made NAFI an organization that was worth being part of.

Re: Individuals vs Organizations


Very well stated.

The NAFI Board of Directors has, with their recent actions, turned NAFI into a empty shell that has no value, meaning or purpose.

Re: Individuals vs Organizations

I would agree with Susan. Very well articulated. The NAFI we joined years ago is not the NAFI we now have. Time for a change!

Re: Individuals vs Organizations


You hit the nail right on the head. Bravo!
I sure would like to see NAFI go back to the way it use to be when members cared for members. Alas, it looks like it is time to begin anew.

Re: Individuals vs Organizations

Very well said.

I want the organization I described in a previous post... supporting growth in aviation education, professionalism and safety.

Re: Individuals vs Organizations

Was there a way to determine what the core group of NAFI members wanted in 2008? Sometimes organizations and systems drift from their charter, and we stand looking at a mishap site wondering what happened to the original design. The drift might also be part of a continuous improvement process, a good thing.
Time to dust off the original charter and adjust course as needed. Organizations sometimes try to become too many things to too many people in pursuit of dues dollars and get into power and control issues. If the organization grows with a focus on one or two core values, that is a good attribute. Small organizations have value also. This is why we have more than one Pilot Association.

While there is no "I" in Team, you can't spell Team without "me". I have no idea what that means :)

Semper gumby