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What are we

A few questions for thought:

If we are no longer a member of NAFI, then we are no longer MCFIs. Therefore, how will we be known in the future? Do we want to continue to be known as "Master Instructors? or something else?

If something else, then will we have a mechanism to "grandfather" MCFIs who make the change. Will the grandfathering have an expiration date?

Does NAFI own "Master Instructor" and "MCFI" and if not, do we want to pick it up and trademark it?

For those who are now in the process of renewing MCFI with NAFI, can we be ready, quickly, to offer them a substitute designation?

Re: What are we

Hi Arlynn,

The various issues you've raised have been, are, or will again be looked into, especially the replacement designation program. And yes, it would be the hope of many of us for existing NAFI Masters to be grandfathered in under the new program until the term of the NAFI designation expires, at which time renewal would then be done under the requirements of the alternative program.

Until a Master officially "resigns" from NAFI, he/she is still a Master. And if one did resign and the alternative program is not yet in place, then one could always amend their title as follows: Joe Pilot, MCFI (1999-2009)

Or something similar!

DOes NAFO own any of the existing Master program? I doubt it!


Re: What are we

Many Master Instructors share the very same concerns that Arlynn has voiced, and Rich has written of some ways to meet those concerns. The IWG in looking at the priorities that faced TBO-NAFI in the coming weeks, listed this issue as one of the highest.

Thus the TBO-NAFI Master Instructor Equivalent (MIE) committee was asked to gear up and they are already diligently looking into all the issues that have been raised here. Early indications point towards a fairly seamless transition.

Re: What are we

I should have known that you guys were "on it." Thanks for all your efforts.

Re: Re: What are we

Thanks for the info. I am due to renew my application in March but my subscription doesn't lapse until July. My TO-DO clock is strongly urging me to cross this off my list COMPLETED. Thanks for the very practical signature idea until the replacement signature is available.

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Replying to:

I should have known that you guys were "on it." Thanks for all your efforts.