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Don't contact us?

Today's E-Mentor was rather interesting.. NAFI's exec. fellow, Jason Blair stated that TBO-NAFI stated "don't contact us."

A quote:
"eMentor: There is now a group that has recently become critical of NAFI. Can you address the allegations made by this group?

Jason: Sure. The group is called TBO NAFI, and I think it is safe to say we've had a difficult time keeping a dialogue going. And I think some of their ideas are worth looking into just as ideas from all our members are. So, we're focusing on the ideas presented more so than the way they are presented.

In regard to establishing a dialogue with this group, it's been kind of a Catch-22 approach. For example, the leadership of the group has asked us not to contact them and then will say we are being unresponsive. But we can't let that stop us from looking at the ideas, evaluating them, and seeing what makes sense. I'm sure there will be more coming, and we're open to ideas.

I have to say that proposals demanding that the entire board and staff resign would leave NAFI without leadership, and I have to kind of scratch my head at that. But proposals to have more member involvement, which have been brought up by other members as well, are being acted upon, and I think in the final analysis will be positive for NAFI.

I think, too, we need to be clear on some of the statements made by TBO members. Despite things that have been said, in discussions with the FAA recently it was made clear that NAFI and the MCFI certification process will remain the approved organization for instructors. We are updating our programs to maintain our standing and valid certifications.

And statements made about the election process have been misleading. As Phil stated, we conducted our election under the standard procedure laid out under our bylaws and with an eye to our future. At the end of the day, despite some differences of opinion, NAFI is moving forward in a positive way, and I look for more input from all our members. "

When and where was this? After the lawyer letters were sent out?
