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Re: NAFI Membership Resignations

A different perspective:

I don't wish for NAFI to use my membership dues to harass, threaten, or cause harm to other members. This is the top of the organization engaging in completely inappropriate and quite childish behavior. In their doing so, they have caused harm to all of us, a "professional" organization acting unprofessionally.
I can neither support nor recommend an organization that does this, nor do I wish for my hard-earned reputation to be tainted by being associated with such an organization.

I have nothing against NAFI members, EAA, or EAA members. As a whole, they are a great group of flight instructors, pilots, and aviation enthusiasts that I enjoy associating with, especially at Airventure and the other fly-ins.

The problem is a few bad eggs spoiling the batch. When those bad eggs are removed and if the organization is still around, perhaps I will re-join, but not until then. In the meantime, they will not be using my membership dues for their vendettas.

Re: NAFI Membership Resignations

I think the discussion here is healthy. I don't think that resignation from NAFI is necessary or even desirable in the short term.

Until SAFE is up and running, and can establish for SAFE members the same benefits that NAFI has I see no reason to forgo benefits that I have already paid for. For example I purchase from ASA at a discount and I utilize the NAFI insurance benefits. Giving these up does not make sense until SAFE establishes similar programs. I will be a member of both until there is a parity in benefits (soon I hope!)

Long term I will not support NAFI unless they turn over the Board by electing all new board members via a membership ballot.

Re: NAFI Membership Resignations

I think Arlynn has made some excellent points. After reading her comments, I can see there would be an advantage to having a membership in both NAFI and SAFE.
I look forward to being a SAFE member and plan to visit the booth at Sun n Fun.