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Congratulations Pat, Mark, Larry, Tom, Donna, John, Arlynn, Rusty, & Doug!

As a member of the interim working group, and a former board candidate, I want to extend congratulations to our new S.A.F.E. Board of Directors! We have accomplished what we set out to do - to do the initial organizational work that would allow for the election BY THE MEMBERS of our governing body. Special KUDOS go to the members of the governance and election committees for making it all truly possible - without their hard work it would not have happened.

Special thanks, also, to Radek for all of his hard work on the web site development!!

What an amazingly diverse and talented group the membership has elected, and I don't see how we could have done better. The fact is that we had a great bunch from which to choose (allowing myself a little liberty), and we have chosen. Now we all need to do what all excellent and professional orgainzations do. Unite behind them and get on with it!

Boy do they have their work cut out for them!! But, quite frankly, so do the rest of us. What is easy to have happen now is for everyone to let down and "let THEM do it". If we do that, we (S.A.F.E.) will not succeed - and we must for the sake of the profession and our professionalism. So, be ready and willing to answer the call when it comes, and let's all do our part to get behind and support our new Board!

