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Human factors materials?

Any one out there have some good materials for a Human factors presentation? I am teaching a lot of ground schools at a Part 141 school and I am looking for materials.
I write accident reports for an aviation magazine so I don't need any help Monday Morning Quarterbacking the accidents.
What I am looking for is theory on spatial disorientation,info on how long it lasts, methods of dealing with it, etc.

Re: Human factors materials?

Meg, has a lot of information on the subject.

Best Regards,
Mark Adams

Re: Human factors materials?

I couldn't find the actual Univ of Illinois study done in the 1990s' but here is an article that mention it. '178 Seconds to Live' is often quoted instead of the actual Illini study:

Re: Human factors materials?

Meg - Check out the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI): offices/avs/offices/aam/cami/
You'll find print and video materials there. I'd also suggest you look at the University of Texas Human Factors Research Project: HelmreichLAB/
The UT site focus is on Part 121, multi-crew ops, but the research findings about human performance and error are absolutely applicable to single pilot ops. I was a lead instructor and training designer for a major air carrier pre-9/11 until 2005 (cost cuts ya know). I worked w/ and used Helmreich and Klinect's research as well as airline specific LOSA data designing Human Factors/CRM classes. I use a modified Threat & Error Management model in ground schools that I now teach. I'm in the process of "transitioning" to GA. No more airlines for me, thank you very much!:)