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Renewal at NAFI... barely!

I just renewed with NAFI and following this post, I'll place my membership with SAFE. I added the following comment to my renewal at NAFI:

"I want to see some serious improvement in NAFI. This member-selected board is too little, too late. I want to see hand-in-hand working with SAFE. In my opinion, 80% of the board should be voted on by the members. No president can serve longer than four years. These should not be career positions. There is no room for complacency and business as usual on any level in this industry.

There should NEVER be a competition among organizations that exist for the purpose of improving safety and training among flight instructors. To do anything that counters this effort is childish and only serves to take us the other direction.

I want to see a humble attitude from Jason Blair. I don't see that in recent statements. In fact, I see just the opposite.

I'll remain a member for one more year. NAFI should consider itself on notice from a number of members who are looking to see how it handles itself."

So, how will it be received? Or, am I just another sucker who sent them some money? We'll see.