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Prepaid Students and Cashier's Checks

Flight training has entered the modern world of long lost dead uncles and lottery winnings.

When you get a call from a father who wants to prepay his son's flight school tuition, consider that what seems too good to be true, probably is.

The guy will send you a Cashiers Check, probably in an amount more than what you need. A day later, he will send you an email asking you send the overage to his son for travel expenses.

Before you do, make sure that cashier's check is good. Don't count on your bank to return it the next day marked NSF, like your regular student's checks. Chances are it's counterfeit and will bang around the banking system for a couple of weeks before you get notice it was no good. In the mean time, the funds are available.

If you give flight training, or worse, send some money to someone, you're going to be out the cash.

No problem at my school, but I do have a lovely counterfeit check for $13,500 framed on my wall.

Good Luck

Re: Prepaid Students and Cashier's Checks

You're not the first nor will you be the last. This scam has been working for a couple years. The school I worked at was smart enough to avoid it, but just barely.