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Passion vs Restraint

For those of us who have been following the thread here in the forums area relative the "Recent FAA Sport Pilot Interpretation" it is quite obvious that there are some very passionate opponents as well as proponents of this interpretation.

Passion can be a wonderful thing, and the vast majority of pilots tend to be passionate people. It's as if it's a pre-requisite to being a pilot, and even more so to being an aviation educator. As a reminder, it was a small group of very passionate folks that led to the formation of SAFE.

However, unbridled passion can have a negative and deleterious effect. Passion unrestrained can easily allow one to fall victim to those hazardous attitudes of impulsivity,invulnerability and macho. Whether in the cockpit, or in a forums discussion, these attitudes have no place!

So let me offer this reminder - all of us in SAFE are here because we are passionate about educating others about the fantastic world of aviation. We are here regardless of level of certification, or level of achievement. If I might suggest, take a look at the SAFE Code of Ethics, in particular this portion: "A teaching philosophy and exemplary conduct promoting: integrity; positive attitudes; personal responsibility; environmental stewardship; accountability; and courtesy toward fellow members of the aviation community"

I would ask that you maintain your passion, and continue the debate, however it is essential that we all show restraint and respect for each other's viewpoints. Let us abide by our code of ethics! Please, let's show the entire aviation community what we are truly about!


Re: Passion vs Restraint


Looks like we were both in the same thought process at the same time! I whole heartedly agree with your thoughts, and hope that folks will read both of our posts.
