Haitian Gays and Lesbians Alliance Inc.

Haitian Gays and Lesbians Alliance Inc.
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GOD loves gays and lesbians


I am a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I think there must be definitely an open dialog on this subject. We Christians have nothing against gays and lesbians. We strongly believe that God loves them and that JESUS died for them. God is a God of love but of righteousness as well. He is a God of grace but of truth as well. Human beings are to take pride in achieving their fullest potential, the reason why God created them, and not in something that GOD clearly condemns. HE hates sin but HE loves the sinner. Gays and lesbians, God's message to you is that HE cares for you and wants to deliver you from the bondage of homosexuality, which is sin (a spade must be called a spade). You can find help and refuge in JESUS' Name. When He was on earth, He was known as the friend of sinners, not because HE condoned what they were doing but because HE wanted to change their lives. That is exacty why HE went to the cross. As I invite you to ponder about this simple yet outspoken message, I promise to continue to pray for the liberation of each one of you. May the love of GOD attract you to HIM. May the power of HIS holy Name transform your lives to HIS Glory.

Rev. Harold JOULE

Re: GOD loves gays and lesbians

thats got to be a first, what's his angle?

Re: GOD loves gays and lesbians

Harold Joule I'm glade you did not come on here and start throwing stones at people for being lesbian or gay. I grew up in the church and I'm still very active in church. I dont have a religion but a relationship with God thru my Lord and Savior Jesus christ. I want to keep this very short, BEING GAY IS NOT A SIN. I dont expect a str8 person to understand the fact that people are born gay but as long as God made us this way and understands us thats all that really matters.

The life someone chooses to live and the way they live it may not be God's standars, but that goes for both str8 and Gay people.

This is for all the sinners, gay, str8, lesbian (John 3:16)
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".