Debunking false dogmas.

The terror of constant brainwashing indeed spells hopelessness for billions.
A static intellect is when predetermination takes the place of honest inquiry and truth is suppressed. The culprit is misguided religion which leads to fanaticism, barbarism and superstition. This form of credulity is the catalyst of existing adverse and prejudicial conditions that have plagued mankind for nearly 5,000 years.

"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.

Topic of discussion
Can a fool, fool God? - Feb 08, 2002
What Baseball-club owner would pay his worst ball-player the same money as his best? Since he is the owner he can do anything and even through compassion make such a reward. But let's measure the disadvantages of such a measure, his club would go bankrupt because his worst players would never strive to be better while his best players would do less since it makes no sense to be the best. Baseball will become non-competitive and the millions who would be deprived of its entertainment will no longer support it, not to mention the thousands that will be affected by employment. If there were such an owner who lacks such business sense, he would be called a fool, won't he?

 A fool has no value for time or knowledge and so he remains a fool all his life. It certainly requires no effort to be a fool and in the end he/she repents for being a fool and gains salvation. On the other hand, a wise man values his time and works diligently and strenuously daily all his life, in his efforts through austerity and abstinence to attain higher wisdom also gains salvation.

Now I ask what would we call the 'All-powerful' God of the Torah, Bible, Qur'an, Puranas, Zend Avesta, Guru Grantha, and all that other false dogmas that can do anything, who gives the same reward of heaven to both a fool and a wise man? To an intelligent soul, he is not only mortal like the Ball-club owner but even more foolish. In reality, a fool who follows a false dogma is only fooling him/herself. 
                         Redemption can only be a fool's passport to a fool's paradise.

                                                      In search of the One True Religion

                                        "No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato

WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised - the truth offends!
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Debunking false dogmas.
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Lawrence M. Krauss
Jul 11
The JWST Era has begun!!! Gravitational lensing image of SMACS 0723, giving the deepest view of the cosmos yet taken.. First JWST Image of 5 to be released...
The JWST Era Begins...
New image released today in anticipation of full release of first images tomorrow.

Vijai Singh
Jul 12
Still can't tell the origin of the universe, human civilization, language & the laws of nature.
"Science without religion is lame;" &
"We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws." Albert Einstein

Turk Hill
Jul 18
The origin of man is the science of evolution.

Vijai Singh
Jul 18
Where is that in the Bible?

Turk Hill
Jul 20
It is in your texts, too.

Vijai Singh
Jul 20
So now you're saying God communicates?

Turk Hill
Jul 20
Where did you see that i said such nonsense?

Vijai Singh
Jul 21
The origin of my texts is revelation.

Turk Hill
Jul 21
The origin of mine is Natural laws.
Yours is a mystery.

Vijai Singh
Jul 22
Only the Almighty can explain the origin of matter, the universe, civilization, language and the functions of natural laws.

If your God can't, you're screwed!

Turk Hill
I suppose he would explain it if he could speak.

G-d does not “speak.” G-d is not anthropomorphic; G-d does not have vocal cords allowing speech.

Vijai Singh
Speaking of you G-d of course. It is the reason you're an idiot.

The idea that man is being taught now and as far back in history as we can go, is enough for anyone with common sense to reason that the first humans were never deprived of learning.

Turk Hill
Jul 25
The first humans were incredibly ignorant from a scientific point of view. I am talking about cavemen. Do you agree on cavemen? Or you think it's a lie?

Vijai Singh
Jul 27
I agree with Einstein
"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind."

Turk Hill
Jul 27
I agree with Einstein also: “I believe in
Spinoza’s God who reveals Himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns Himself with fates and actions of human beings.”

Vijai Singh
Jul 28
So you agree your religion is blind?

"We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Albert Einstein

Turk Hill
Jul 28
"So you agree your religion is blind?"

Where did you see that i said such nonsense??

Vijai Singh
Jul 29
You said you agree with Einstein and he said ".... religion without science is blind" & Indians gave the world science.

Turk Hill
Jul 29
I said I agreed with Einstein because I agree with him. He said: “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals Himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns Himself with fates and actions of human beings.”

Vijai Singh
Jul 30
He is referring to your G-d stupid, who took it upon himself to drowned the whole world spearing Noah & his family, burnt Sodom & Gomorrah to ground spearing Lot & his daughters, slaughtered all first born of Egypt, etc.

Turk Hill
Jul 31
I see the flood as a natural event, and the destruction of the cities as a natural event.

Einstein said he believes in Spinoza's G-d. And Spinoza's G-d is Maimonides G-d.

Vijai Singh
Aug 1
What about the first-borns of Egypt?
Did nature also warned Noah & Lot while showing utter contempt for the others?

If G-d never communicated with humans, how do they know there is a G-d?

Billions must be rolling in their graves at you stupidity (interpretation of the Bible).

Turk Hill
Aug 2
Did nature also warned Noah & Lot?

Yes, wise humans (angels) saw signs of impending doom, the beginning of an earthquake, and chose to warn Lot and his family.

Vijai Singh
Aug 3
I can't put it any other way, you're truly fu*ked up!
And where were these angels when 6 million Jews were slaughtered?

Turk Hill
Chiune Sugihara and his wife Yukiko spent 20 hours a day writing and signing transit visas by hand in Lithuania for more than 6,000 Jews to enter Japan.

Vijai Singh
Aug 3
So you're saying the two of them did better than the angels who saved only a handful?

Turk Hill
Aug 3
They were angels. Good people are angels in Jewish tradition.

Vijai Singh
Aug 3
So who was the good guy who told Abraham of G-d?

Turk Hill
He used his mind alone... Rambam said he had no teachers (Laws of Idol Worship 1:3)

Vijai Singh
Aug 6

So you're saying his own mind is an angel also?