Debunking false dogmas.

The terror of constant brainwashing indeed spells hopelessness for billions.
A static intellect is when predetermination takes the place of honest inquiry and truth is suppressed. The culprit is misguided religion which leads to fanaticism, barbarism and superstition. This form of credulity is the catalyst of existing adverse and prejudicial conditions that have plagued mankind for nearly 5,000 years.

"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.

Topic of discussion
Can a fool, fool God? - Feb 08, 2002
What Baseball-club owner would pay his worst ball-player the same money as his best? Since he is the owner he can do anything and even through compassion make such a reward. But let's measure the disadvantages of such a measure, his club would go bankrupt because his worst players would never strive to be better while his best players would do less since it makes no sense to be the best. Baseball will become non-competitive and the millions who would be deprived of its entertainment will no longer support it, not to mention the thousands that will be affected by employment. If there were such an owner who lacks such business sense, he would be called a fool, won't he?

 A fool has no value for time or knowledge and so he remains a fool all his life. It certainly requires no effort to be a fool and in the end he/she repents for being a fool and gains salvation. On the other hand, a wise man values his time and works diligently and strenuously daily all his life, in his efforts through austerity and abstinence to attain higher wisdom also gains salvation.

Now I ask what would we call the 'All-powerful' God of the Torah, Bible, Qur'an, Puranas, Zend Avesta, Guru Grantha, and all that other false dogmas that can do anything, who gives the same reward of heaven to both a fool and a wise man? To an intelligent soul, he is not only mortal like the Ball-club owner but even more foolish. In reality, a fool who follows a false dogma is only fooling him/herself. 
                         Redemption can only be a fool's passport to a fool's paradise.

                                                      In search of the One True Religion

                                        "No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato

WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised - the truth offends!
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Debunking false dogmas.
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Atheism vs Theism Part II

Vijai Singh
What good could come out my of explanation when I know there is no cure for a fool.
"Only the wisest the stupidest of men never change." Confucius

Perry Hoffman
I know you cannot prove a single article of your religion to be true. It is the reason you're stupid and I'm not. Only Deism has evidence.

Confucius was right. One thing will never change. You will always be stupid. You have nothing to show and I do, and that will never change.

Vijai Singh
"You have nothing to show and I do"

Again, here is what I have to show who gave us language so that we can read, write and count - http://vjsingh.info

Where is yours?

Confucius is right the wise will never change.

Perry Hoffman
And what if I have a better explanation for how humans developed language and learned to speak? Your proof becomes meaningless and unnecessary.

Vijai Singh
"what if"?
That's all you've got idiot!

All other religions including Deism, after the first, are human invention.

"Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool." Mark Twain

Perry Hoffman
What a ******* idiot!

Deism is not anything one can invent. Man could not invent nature. Man has the power of making books (Vedas).

"The only religion that has not been invented, and that has in it every evidence of divine originality, is pure and simple deism." Thomas Paine

Vijai Singh
And what are you who've got nothing else to do but to debate a "a ******* idiot"?

Deism is an invention when it can't answer the question - who gave us language?

Perry Hoffman
I repeat, Deism is not anything one can invent.

How many times must I repeat? Human beings developed language on their own. We can even explain the method of how language was developed in ancient times. We know how it developed.

Vijai Singh
Inventor Deism - Thomas Paine

Go ahead, explain it!
Who was the backward illiterate savage that did it and what language was it?

Perry Hoffman
There were some forms of proto-language before we had agriculture but it was very simple. They wrote in pictographs for a long time. Pictographs are a form of language in writing, it’s conveying information, that’s what it is.

Vijai Singh
Who were "they"?
Don't tell me you are smarter than Einstein - "We owe a lot to Indians who taught us how to count....." "Science without religion is lame;..."

Perry Hoffman
I am referring to early humans. We know how and where it developed.

No, but I prefer to listen to a genius, "It is absurd for religion to proscribe Galileo or Darwin or other scientists."

Einstein would be kicking you in the ass for making **** up & putting words in his mouth!

Vijai Singh
Are you really listening to yourself *******?
You've got a God but took your lessons from backward illiterate cavemen.
This is proof you're an idiot!

Perry Hoffman
You've got it backwards, you idiot!

The creator helped "His" creation (our ancestors) to learn in many ways, including humans learning from animals. The Almighty is the first philosopher, and original teacher of all science.

Vijai Singh

"first philosopher and original teacher of all science" and because of those backward illiterate savages of cavemen you know that?

It's time to end this debate!
I'm the "idiot" taught by the wise and you're the 'wise' taught by cavemen.