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grass verges

The grass verges around the Town and on the housing estates does not appear to be cut by the Council this year. Why is this, does anyone know (district councillors). If it is part of council cutbacks is the same thing happening in the rest of the district I wonder.

Re: grass verges


I have noticed this also, I am sure it is to do with cut-backs.

Id like to see it put in the hands of the town, after all its the town and its residents that know when it needs doing!
An idea iv had is grass cutting would be another way of utilizing the winter quad-bikes???

As I am aware verges fall under highways/OCC??


Re: grass verges

Anyone who visits Witney cannot have missed the fact that most grass verges there are well manicured compared to Chippy.

Next time look at the comparisons between Station road Chippy and Station road Witney or the Burford roads in Chippy and Witney.

Re: grass verges

As for quad bikes to cut grass? The quad bikes were a novelty for the Mayor to be seen on and dare I say looked a poser.

I proposed at council we purchase a self propelled machine (to walk behind) with snow plough and sweeping attachment to keep the footpaths clear all year round, nor would you need a licence to ride it, they went for more grit bins.