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Flight MH17

Flight MH17
While everyone in the west maybe horrified by the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner and even more so the condemnation of Putin in supporting the pro-Russian Ukraine separatists it is a bit rich for the west particular America to condemn what happened and the so called resistance in preventing investigators from reaching the crash site. What America conveniently forgets and would like everyone to forget is the shooting down over International waters of Iran Air Flight 655 an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai that was shot down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes on 3 July 1988 and while the Americans will be demanding the conviction of those responsible for shooting down flight MH17, the man responsible for shooting down IA665 Captain Will Rodgers remained captain of his ship and eventually was awarded the Legion of Merit decoration "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer, hardly a good example of justice don't you think! I don't suppose for one minute any government in the west will admit this act in anyway contributed to the ongoing troubles with Iran in the Middle East courtesy of the Americans.
Can you imagine if the Americans shot down a airliner over Alaska? do anyone honestly think they would allow give in to the demands of the whole world particularly Russia access to the crash site unlike the crash site of MH17 swarming with press wandering about interfering and milking the story for everything while they have the chance, be sure if one happened on American soil in such circumstances the Yanks wouldn't let anyone within a country mile of the crash site.
What follows the news was interesting, Israel, again blowing up to another war, but wait a minute! the Yanks support the Israelis' while condemning the Russians for supporting the pro Russian separatists, eastern Ukraine is full of Russians like Israel is full of Yanks, what was slipped in the news quietly was an American no less who went to support Israel had been killed fighting treated like a hero obviously not one word of condemnation unlike British Muslims going to fight in Syria! quite clearly double standards, it's who's side you are on not what the cause is that matters.