Is there anyone in this forum incontinent and using VA for their supplies?
I receive all my meds, and diapers (Depends) from the VA. Depends having better quality than some, but I can think of a number of manufactures with higher quality. I would like to use cloth, at least for night use, (no leaks) but from what I understand, getting VA to buy cloth diapers is not easy.
I too am a disabled veteran and I get my meds and diapers from the VA. After several years with the help of my doctor I convinced the VA that the cloth diapers in my case were cheaper and that they work better. You need a prescription from your doctor and then verification by the VA. They will help you, but it takes time.
Thanks for the info. I have a prescription for the Depends that I'm receiving now. The problem that I'm having with the Depends is at night.......they leak no matter what I do. I use a liner and plastic pants but because I sleep on my side a lot the Depends still leaks during the night. When I use a good quailty cloth diaper and plastic pants I don't have any problems. This is the main reason I would like to see if I can get VA to buy some cloth diapers. If I can find a good quality cloth diaper for day use with NO bulk and dind't leak, I would use cloth 24/7.
AIO for daytime and the Pocket for night sounds like the way I'm going to go (not sure of the bulk on the AIO, so at least around the house- out and about if they pass muster)
This cross pollination of ideas and experiences is why it is important to have forums like this available.
Hi. I was running trough the forums. I always look out for disabled veterans posts. I am a disabled vet and know how hard it has been for you and have insite. I got the va to approve north shore supremes. I have to come out of pocket a bit but that's because of how many I need because I have to change often during the day.
Please email me and I can give you my story to help you out. Plus get you the info of who to talk to.