Pin-on diapers versus reusable pull-on diapers for bed-wetting
I floated this question out there some time ago but don't remember receiving any replies. I was reading in the Diaper Primer that pin-on diapers tend to be better than pull-on diapers for heavy incontinence such as bed-wetting. Some of the reasons I've heard that they're better than pull-on diapers/briefs is that they're generally made of a more heavy weight material,they tend to be more absorbent,you have more flexibility with a pin-on diaper in terms of layering more material in the diaper and how you fold the diapers to deal with problems such as side leakage. It's to my understanding that putting more material in a pull-on diaper/brief to increase absorbency tends to make the briefs bunch up if you move around a lot at night. Finally the pin-on diapers tend to last longer than pull-ons and are less expensive.Are there any other advantages?
Re: Pin-on diapers versus reusable pull-on diapers for bed-wetting
My experience is that pin-on are, as you say, more effective due to the flexibility of adjusting fit. I use contour styles as well as prefolds and find that each works well after experimenting with styles and amount of layering. Whereas with pull on diapers one can also add soakers and find styles that have adequate side layering I found it difficult(and expensive) to find a good fit. The deal-breaker in the end was that pull-ons that I tried all had thick elastic waist lines that inevitably caused welts when I slept on my side. I also found it uncomfortable/difficult to tuck in plastic pants to minimize leaking, especially at the waist. It's frustrating because the convenience of a one piece easy on/easy off diaper is very appealing. There may be a better one for me out there but I can't rationalize the effort to find it given that the pin on alternative works just fine.
Re: Pin-on diapers versus reusable pull-on diapers for bed-wetting
Now for me I use the flat diaper at night due to heavy wetting. Well maybe I should introduce myself as I am new here. I have been incotinent for about 3 years due to a spine that is breaking all the disks or should I say I have DDD (Degernerative Disk Disorder) and it has caused me and the other health problems to be this way and from what the Doctors say it is permanat.
Now back to the subject I have tried all of them and cost myself alot of money when they did not work. I use Abena during the day and cloth at night for me the cloth works better as I toss and turn all night due to the pain and paper diapers just tore or leaked. The cloth pin on worked as it allowed me to adjust it as needed now if you are a heavy wetter like myself use baby diapers as inserts I use 2 of them and I wake up with no wet sheets but what works for me may not work for you but it is an idea. I also have learned what sites to order from as some of them I tried took me to the sicko sites and I would be glad to share it with you all.
Re: Pin-on diapers versus reusable pull-on diapers for bed-wetting
Diapers that fasten with Velcro tabs are better for night time use as they have a bigger surface area so if your say face down in bed,your pee wont over spill like it would with shorter padding in the pull ups.Also the tabs give a better tighter fit.