I've been reading a bit about Unique Wellness Briefs, which are supposed to be a serious competitor for Abena and Dry 24/7. Intriguingly, they are supposed to be based on NASA technology in a way that is somehow different from the SAP technology and all modern disposable diapers use. However, I haven't seen much in the way of reports from incontinent people who have actually used them.
Brian, these might be a subject for one of your major reviews.
Good to see your post! Actually, I did a very in-depth review of the Wellness Briefs in the Disposable Diapers section. Have you had a chance to check it out yet?
Personally, I don't know anything about NASA technology, so couldn't really address that, but I CAN say it's an excellent product! :) I actually use all three...the Wellness Brief, the Dry 24/7 AND the Abena products. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, but I like them all.
All of these products fit different, are different thicknesses, and have different quality issues from time to time, but as far as I'm concerned, other than those three brands, there's really no need to bother with other brands. That's my opinion, anyway. the only other product I've heard some rave reviews on from folks who have emailed me and wanted me to a review on is the Comfort Aire PM Extended Wear Brief by Medline. I am in the process of trying to get ahold of those now. Biggest problem I run into is no company that I am familiar and comfortable with sells them by the bag and I'm not about to plunk down that much money for a case until I know how they work, what the quality is, etc... They're a cloth-like product with breathable sides, which makes me nervous anyway. As soon as I can get ahold of a few of those in size large (or a bag of them) I'll get a review of those up.
Im on my second case. The only time I've ever had them leak is when I tried to make them leak. They do well, not as thick as either Abena or Molicare, but they are cheaper (a bit) and do the trick for me. The crotch area is nicely padded, but I don't feel super bulky like I do with the Molicare or Abena.
I ues the wellness alot especialy at night due to prostate and being a diabetic they work great for me keep the bed dry also use rubber pants even thow they don't leak.