I have tried two new products recently. These are my subjective views of them.
Jeers first.
At Walmart the other day, I saw boxer shorts type incontinent wear. I bought a bag of S/M. Twelve items for just under nine dollars or about seventy five cents each.
I tried a pair. I wore them for about 30 minutes and then took them off as they started falling down over my hips. The pad inside did not fit snugly and the waist band stretched to over 48 inches. The elastic is very weak and does not retract to the original 24 inches found when I removed them from the bag.
I did not feel secure enough to wear them, even at home. The loose pad will let air in and odor out and is generally uncomfortable even for short time use. The bag is off to the burn plant our town uses for garbage.
Cheers last
I have been using the Depends Men's protective underwear for a long time, now. A few weeks ago I bought two bags of 18 each. When I went to open the first bag, I found it was double wrapped. The inner wrap held the 18 briefs and the outer wrap was over the inner bag and a box containing a new item from Depends.
The new item, called Real Fit is a brief that looks and feels like the cotton briefs I used to wear many decades ago.
The new briefs seem to hold as much or more than the ones I have been using. However, the body is smooth and much more comfortable when sitting. The fit is snug and draft free. The color is gray and the internal pad does not show through.
Walmart was selling them for twelve dollars for a bag of twelve. Walgreens was asking eleven dollars for a bag of twelve.