Bravo! The new site is wonderful, one of the most informative to be found anywhere on the web! The community of English-speaking people who are living with incontinence owe you a huge dint of gratitude.
It's not perfect yet and I'm still working a number of other pages, but I think it's a HUGE HUGE improvement over the last site! There is SO much more information to come, it's not funny.
I added the Tena Super and Tena Stretch Super reviews this afternoon as well as figured out the blog. Now people can subscribe to the blog and receive RSS fees of it, but I am using iWeb to publish and since I'm not using a MobileMe account, the search function does not show up when published. Maybe we'll stick with iWeb for blogging and maybe not.
Give me your thoughts on the new look! SO many people commented on the look for the new site and the overly resounding cry was "simple, brighter and cleaner, easier to navigate, easier to read, more screen reader accessible!" Do you think I've hit the mark?
The new site looks great, very clean and tidy. I honestly believe that you may have developed what so many people have wanted and needed for far too long - an "Incontinence for Dummies", a resource with support, comments and suggestions that the HMO's don't/won't offer.
A tip o' the hat to you and to everyone who comes here to contribute news and views.
Thanks so much for the compliments Pete! They were very encouraging, as we have put a TON of hours into redesigning the site and developing content.
What else would you like to see in the site? We are working on new content for the site every day and I want the site to be what people want and need, so I am always open to suggestions. As you might have noted, we're covering everything to do with incontinence, not just "diapers" or "briefs", since incontinence encompasses so many things. I even have an ostomy section in the works!
Thanks again Pete! After all the work that has gone in so far, your compliments were well received and SUPER appreciated!
Just a quick line or so in reply. I read Sam Jones' post on upgrades for the diaper primer, and would like to request a source guide. Not to be at odds with anything you're doing, but I think we all need a decent listing for who sells what.
I'd also hope that there's input from the 'lookers' too, because we need to find consistently reliable sources. If here's a problem with XYZ company, be it delivery, billing or just the wrong item shipped, then have that out in the open. Once or twice might be bad simple bad calls, but the same nonsense over and over needs to be brought in a bright light.
Other side of the coin's true, too. Let's commend those suppliers that do well, go beyond what might be expected.
I'll gladly start the ball rolling : XP Medical and Gary Evans, who supply the Abena line of disposable virtually everything, plus at least a half-dozen other reputable lines.
And LlMedico, who has supplied the Gary line of plastic pants with equal consistency. Fair prices, prompt shipping, well-defined return and/claim policies.
Okay, few lines stretched a little, so I'm off. Hope all is well. Pete
Actually, you may have a good idea here. I may make a forum for supplier reviews. As long as there's no blatant marketing/soft marketing and it's people legitimately talking about the good and bad of various suppliers, it could be a really good thing!
I have family in from out of town until this Sunday, so I may be a little scarce around the site, but will check in on occasion and am working on updates and new information off and on until Sunday.