I am an older adult with Cerebral Palsy & Autism (Asperger's).
I am also totally incontinent, both bladder & bowels.
I am a "walker" (with AFO Leg Braces & Forearm Crutches).
I use "disposables", primarily the Walgreen's "House Brand", XL size.
Only main comment I have, is that drugstore brands always need "booster pads" to up the absorbency, & I also have to use plastic pants over them to contain "leaks".
I'm also older (70) and have severe urge urinary incontinence that requires me to wear a diaper 24/7/365. However, I'm lucky that the incontinence is really my only disability (except for gradually worsening problems with arthritis).
Diapers allow me to go wherever I want or need to go and to do almost anything anyone else can do. Without diapers, I would be essentially housebound.
Just a thought in passing about your occasional difficulties with the Walgreens brand disposables. If your finances will allow the upgrade you might try the Abena line of products.
I've worn the Abri-Form diapers (with and without plastic pants) for some years now without any leakage or tape failures, and have cycled through most of the other major names out there with varying degrees of success...and abject failure.
Hope all is well on the Right Coast, the nights are starting to shift towards cooler here in the SF Bay Area.
I have temporarily switched to DIGNITY PLUS XL sized diapers with the "plastic" backing.
Purchased 4 8-count packages of them from a medical supply store in Woburn, MA last week.
I am going to purchase more of them.
I do have "plastic pants", 9 "cheap" ones that come 3 to a package (pull-on), & 6 more expensive "snap-on" plastic pants.
I have neurogenic bladder & bowels, along with age-related BPH of my Prostate Gland.
My Cerebral Palsy is classified as "mild", but as I have aged, my control over my lower body is "worn-out", & I can no longer stand & walk for any distance without needing leg braces & using forearm crutches or a rollator walker for "physical support".
As I said, I am also have Autism, the "Asperger's Syndrome" version & I am not cognitively/socially functioning that well.
I am a graduate of Wentworth Institute, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology.
But, I have been "unemployed" the last 11 years, & although I did try to utilize Vocational Rehabilitation Services here in New Hampshire, all they did was shuffle me from one "privatized" social services provider to another with zero progress towards any kind of employment.
Since 2006, I have been on Social Security.
Getting back to "being incontinent", I myself & a lot of other "older" adults with Cerebral Palsy, even in its "milder form" end-up incontinent & needing diapers or pull-ups to manage it.
I have tried pull-ups, & they are useless for "total urinary & fecal incontinence".
It is not fun or enjoyable to be "totally incontinent", both bladder & bowels & "voiding" into diapers.
When away from home, I @ times practically have "emotional meltdowns", & feel pretty upset internally, that I have bad urine & fecal "accidents".
I used to be "fully toilet trained" & "clean & dry" from Age 4 to Age 29.