Can someone help me understand why American women are not allowed to have access to safe, effective, non landfill filling alternatives and the rest of the developed world does? How's like we're the oldest kids on the block still being forced to wear diapers to school. Of course, if you want surgery have they got a deal for yooouu..... Seriously, help me out here. I can't get any info on why Americans are denied access to some of the simplest, safest, and environmentally friendly products you can get. I only found out about them because I did a search on a computer that accidentally pulls up UK sights.
Basically, I by accident realized that we in the US are being denied safer less damaging to the environment alternatives to treating the most common forms of incontinence. I can't imagine why and I can't find any information on the net other than a bunch of the same tired sales pitches and so called expert advice. I'm just not sure who to send a petition to, AMA, FDA? I was hoping that someone on this board might know. Thanks for your response.
Treatment options like what? Can you give some specifics or web sites that we can look at to see what you're talking about? Are you talking about surgeries, implanted devices, medications, psychotherapy? What specifically are you referring to?
I ask because if there ARE legitimate things that are being withheld from us, then this would be a good site to start with in starting a petition.
Please drop a reply with some examples. I guarantee there are many interested people.
Here is what I am referring to specifically. I found a product called Incostress. It is for stress incontinence in women. This device stops leaks instantly. This is a very simple device made of medical grade silicone that resembles a tampon. It is insterted into the vagina and it positions and holds the bladder and urethra in proper position and allows also a greater ability to target and contol pelvic floor muscles. Perfect for daily use and during sports activities. It is selling for regular price 33.50 in franks or's not euros or dollars...sorry for my ignorance. And it is on sale for 24.50
You can find a site to order one if you can get to a UK based site from your computer but good luck ordering. The site that is set up for US describes the product and recommends asking your doctor about it to make it available sooner.
I found this site ( via Google and the information is pretty much straight forward. This is a product that seems to be strictly for women living with stress incontinence, men simply don't have the compliant anatomy.
By their own admission this is a product still in the testing state, clinical trials first held at a reputed hospital in 2006 and other(s) ongoing.
Cost is about $60 for a two-pack (their listing is 49.00 British pounds) so cost may vary. Be advised that getting this over the net may be compromised by UK laws limiting what they may define as an experimental medical device, and obviously the FDA which probably will apply similar holds for the same reason.
Site may well be worth a visit just for the info value it holds and questions one might ask of the medico's over here.