If you have used the Wellness Superio Briefs and have not tried them lately, they have made a major upgrade to them! Better plastic backing, larger tapes and better absorbency...and the usual awesome skin dryness! They are giving away FREE samples of the improved Superio until August 4th! Drop them an email and give them your name, address and size and they'll ship a sample to you! You can email them at samples@wellnessbriefs.com Check out the text from their ad:
In order for you to realize how great they are, we are offering totally free samples (until end of sale below) and we'll also waive the $1.99 S&H fee!!!
(There's a strict one free sample per person policy. If you attempt to take advantage and order multiple free samples it will result in no samples sent.
Please follow the following instructions for the free sample -
Send an email to: samples@wellnessbriefs.com
In email subject line type - Free Superio sample and your full name... In email please type in the following format:
Name (First, Last)
Street Address (Apt #)
City, State, ZIP
Size -
We are currently running a sale on all of our products - use code "LIQUASTAY" and
SAVE 10%
with FREE SHIPPING on case orders.
(A $20 Value!)
Save and order at wellness briefs.com