I am new member from Sweden. I have got a very troublesome neurogen incontinence from a neurologic disability. I have to wear diapers 24/7 for this. In the beginning it was quite embarassing wearing diapers but now I have accept it and turned it into a fetish.
I also wear diapers due to an accident as a young teenager. I wear diapers 24/7 and after a few years I have accepted
them completely. I prefer diapers with tape tabs instead of the pull-ups.
I'm Brian. I also live with incontinence due to a birth defect. I wear diapers 24/7 as well. I prefer plastic backed diapers because they control odor the best. I hope you find the site helpful. I maintain it to help people find the right products & to let others who live with incontinence know they are not alone.