I have been incontinent for 20+ years. I wear the plastic backed tab style diapers. I call it what it is. It's not a brief it's not a pull-up plain and simple. I have unknowingly had the back of my diaper stick out on multiple occasions. Sometimes a little sometimes a lot. I also have memory issues and have had the front show due to not knowing my shirt was partly tucked in it. My question is in reality and seriousness of the situation would it be acceptable to wear an adult sized onesie (plain white or other solid color) under a t-shirt to prevent this? Do any other people who are incontinent do this? No answers from ab/dl's please. I ask as I've seen these for sale on incontinence product websites. Thank you.
I have been incontinent for 20+ years. I wear the plastic backed tab style diapers. I call it what it is. It's not a brief it's not a pull-up plain and simple. I have unknowingly had the back of my diaper stick out on multiple occasions. Sometimes a little sometimes a lot. I also have memory issues and have had the front show due to not knowing my shirt was partly tucked in it. My question is in reality and seriousness of the situation would it be acceptable to wear an adult sized onesie (plain white or other solid color) under a t-shirt to prevent this? Do any other people who are incontinent do this? No answers from ab/dl's please. I ask as I've seen these for sale on incontinence product websites. Thank you.
Sorry I don't understand how that typo got there and I don't know how to change it but it should say onesie and not indie.
Absolutely it's fine for someone who is incontinent to wear an adult onesie. They are extremely handy to keep your diaper from showing out of the waistband of your pants. I usually wear them during the summer when I'm doing things like helping friends work on their cars and other things where my diaper may show because my shirt comes untucked.
Definitely fine for someone who is incontinent to use. Personally, I prefer the ones that have snaps in the crotch, so I don't have to pull the whole thing down when I need to change.
Not something I advertise but I totally wear them. They serve two purposes actually. First is the reason you are asking and the reason I started to wear them and that is to insure my diaper did not end up being visible to people cause my shirt pulled out in the back. Second is that they really help hold the diaper closer to your body and for me I’ve noticed a dramatic decrease in leakage especially at night. I get just the plain white ones and no one knows the difference.