I have been trying mesh pants and pads and have found them comfortable and economical but the mesh pants are expensive and poor quality,so not wanting to quit i went shopping for alternatives and found quite a few.
I was looking for tight body hugging underwear the best for the job were by a company called "Cockon" unlike the £5 "Arbrie" mesh pants the £2 Cockon look good even with a pad inserted and came in a choice of colours.
I also found some cheap ones on the "wish.com" shopping site and i bet there are more to find so if you want to try the pads i recommend them but shop around for your own tight fit underwear as the mesh pants dont last long.
Look for elasticated materials like"Elastaine" or "Lycra" or stretchable mixes,if they hug the body like a second skin then they will do.
I hope this helps and good luck!
I have worn incontinence pads held in place by fixation pants since I had an accident and spinal injury six years ago. These are non-absorbent, used only to hold a pad in place; unisex - no front exit for men; nurses and carers usually refer to mine as nets, pants or knickers.
I find that they tend to be tight round my groin - perhaps I am an odd shape! So I buy a bigger size than suggested on the packet for my bum size. I used to find that they soon came apart at the crotch but that has been solved by buying a bigger size and by reinforcing the crotch with a needle and thread. The pants come in packets of 5 for about £5 and last about 3 months. My pads are about £10 for 34 (a month's supply for me).