This is all new to me. If I am sitting down or reclined in my chair, I do not leak or if so very little. The moment I stand up my bladder drains immediately and completely. I am using Depends Flex Fit pull ups, which so far have contained the flow, but I then need to immediately head to the bathroom and change the diaper. I have developed a tendency to drink very little water prior to going out for doctor appointments etc. I have been sleeping in my recliner as I do not want to wet our bed. I tried bed once and when I turned on my side my bladder drained completely. I woke up and scurried off to change then went back to sleeping on recliner. As long as I'm on my back, I do not leak or if so, not much. I did not wet the bed and the pull ups did not leak - but I am concerned that will happen. I go thru 8 to 10 pull ups in a 24 hour period. I guess I will have to try the side velcro diapers and if they work, use them when out and about. I cannot see removing shoes trousers etc in public bathroom to change pull ups. I read on this forum that plastic pants over diapers may give protection while sleeping in bed and to use a pad on the bed. My questions are: Will the plastic pants over pull ups be enough or am I just doomed to trial and error. Where do I get and how big of a pad do I need underneath me. Does the pad just lay on top if the bottom sheet and then I position myself on top of the pad or What? This may should obvious and stupid, but it's all new to me.
Any advice is much appreciated. I am looking forward to one day, getting a full nights sleep in our bed.
You didn't say when you had your surgery. Are you doing the kegel exercises as instructed by your physical therapist? Two weeks after starting my kegels my bladder would empty on the way to the bathroom. Later I could make it to the bathroom by walking bent over. Within 2 months I could hold back and make it to the bathroom. After 5 months I was able to do yard work and retain most of my urine. Now at 10 months post surgery I have a slight leakage and a pad lasts several days unless I an engaging in physical activity where I have more leakage.
Thank you for the reply. You have given me hope. I printed your response and will read it every day for inspiration. Iam at 45 days post surgery, but I had two weeks of non related health issues that got me off track. Yes on kegle exercises. I wish you well and the best of luck.