New to having to wear diapers. Having trouble with it and potential new life
Hello. Was diagnosed recently with ulcerative colitis when they saw some scars on my lower intestines (or small intestines I forget). Depending on stress and other factors that seem pretty random actually, I will have massive urgency and sometimes make it but more often poop my pants. So as soon as that started happening even a bit I didnt want to take a chance and started wearing diapers. Now its like 24/7. its been about 5 months and honestly I thought i was ok with it but lately there is a dread that this may not go away and I may have to wear them for life. My doctors are still sure that the scars I have can get better and that I shouldnt have to go the surgery route. So here I am. Just had a horrible experience recently. So I am reaching out to support groups to people who are feeling what Im feeling or going through this in some way. My friends who I told are kind but they often tell me "Dont worry about it no one cares". I know its true, but I dont think they understand what this is like and I dont blame them.
If anyone here wants to share or reach out please feel free and maybe we can help each other by talking.
Re: New to having to wear diapers. Having trouble with it and potential new life
I know the feeling of one minute you're fine and the next you're having to completely reevaluate your life. It's not the end of the world and you will have days when you feel ashamed, but remember you're not the only one who is suffering and there is always someone to talk to, through this site. Chin up.
Re: New to having to wear diapers. Having trouble with it and potential new life
I am sorry to hear about this. I have been fighting this bladder issue all my life I will be going to see a urologist because it has gotten to a point that I am in diapers it is very frustrating and I feel different not normal if you know what I mean. Then to go and talk about this problem to a complete stranger is making me nervous as well. Again I sure hope you get better.
Re: New to having to wear diapers. Having trouble with it and potential new life
So sorry You are dealing with this. I'm a disabled mother. And I deal with double incontinence. I've been better and I've been worse. Good days and bad days. Do the best You can and thats the best You can do.
Re: New to having to wear diapers. Having trouble with it and potential new life
Sorry for you I’m just bladder incontinence and having to wear diapers and cover pants is terrible and expensive too and so humiliating to been seen in them by nurses and doctors