Well had an urologist appointment back on the 6 June after being fallen through the cracks since 2011 after my Urodynamic (as GP refused to follow up at my request) my new GP referred me back as I wanted a Continence product assessment as have issues with every Pull up type I have tried due to discomfort with fit.
Back in 2011 someone should have contacted me back regarding a Continence Nurse assessment (for bladder training attempt) but never did the urologist told me it "can't" be Neurological bladder as no obstruction as was quite annoyed with my old urologist for not following it up even more annoyed with old GP that refused.
Saw the Continence Nurse today (as the nurse is tasked with bladder retraining) well she is getting me to do a 3 day diary I see her again in a months time (even though I explained the bladder is never predictable and has a mind of its own) and she stated with the symptoms and timing of when having issues as well as my injury at L4-L5 S1 stated sounds like it could be neurogenic bladder but the urodynamics showed no Obstruction as they thought back in 2011 before urodynamics it could be.
As it is I have accepted the continence issues due to having them since 2009 but wanted a product assessment due to discomfort and skin irritation the continence nurse have given me a few samples of ID Pants Super to try as well as sudocrem as a barrier to try (I tend to hate oily cremes on hands).
The issues incl :-
- Sometimes leaky all day
- Sometimes hard to start voiding
- Sometimes issues emptying completely
- WeakStream so easier and cleaner to sit while peeing :(
Been wearing pull ups since 2009 since currently wearing Molicare Mobile as the best pull up type I can find myself as never done a proper continence Assessment just a quick assessment for funding (which I saw on a once off)
But find issues with pull ups in general:- padding clumping up, chaffing, non snug fit even while wearing Tena Fix Stretch pants.
Just wondering what else could have caused these issues around the same time I did the nerve impingement in 2009