Hi..I am new to this forum and new to having urinary incontinence and am seeking tips from others who may be more experienced with traveling. I think I found a decent system that keeps me leak free for the most part but on a recent trip to Seattle I spent a good four hours in an unfamiliar place searching for the right diapers and pads. It's practically impossible to pack enough supplies to last the whole trip. How do you dispose of used diapers at a hotel discreetly? When your visiting someone's home what do you do with the used diaper after using the restroom? Amy tips would be appreciated🙁
First of all don’t be ashamed about wearing diapers, I know it’s not easy but try at least to talk about it openly with your friends if you feel enough comfortable and you trust them.
When I stay in a hotel I just put all the used diapers in a plastic bag, hide them, usually behind the clothes in the closet or in my lagguage and then throw it away in the bin before I check out.
Again, if you’re visiting someone’s home and they do know about your problems then just throw it in the bin, otherwise, again, take a plastic bag and put it in another bag or a backpack.
I always carry with me a backpack where I have all the stuff for changing, and it can be really useful!
I hope I could help you, let me know and sorry for my bad english
Hi Mary. I've been diaper-dependent since 2009. One thing i know for sure is that it gets easier over time, and you learn all the little tricks..best products, etc. I too carry a small or modest backpack with good quality plastic bags, then secure the used briefs airtight. In a hotel/motel, put the plastic bags in or near the trash when you leave, and conceal in other perhaps paper bags if available from food or shopping for discretion)
I spend alot of time in Seattle and purchased my first 'Depends' there years ago. many fond memories. As for friends/family....some know...some don't. I have embraced my 'special underwear' and try never to be nervous or ashamed, although sometimes it can be difficult, and there is a alot of daily fuss that comes with changing, bathing, etc. proper suppplies are the key...and a variety of diapers, pull-ons & incontince pants for different situations.
Most of all, be confident. (good quality products minimize leaks and helf self-esteem). I take the used supplies away with me when visiting friends or family (or at least secure them in a trash bin personally). Some people are more embarassed than we are to talk about it. My aunt is my biggest supporter, as she too is a wetter. She taught me to see our garments as just 'special undies'. ;-) Donnie
Ooops...i forgot to mention the main point about traveling: Research Medical Supply stores ahead of time. The variety is much better than pharmacies can provide. On my most recent trip i found a store which caried Tranquility products, and was able to obtain not only the ATN briefs, which are very good quality/capacity, but also Tranq' Overnight Pull-ons which i use when more discretion is desired. Carry the diaper covers/incont. pants with you (i prefer Gary Wear) and find a med' supply store to visit when you get there. Universities with a medical dept. are a great source for nearby med. supplies.
You could even have briefs/pull-ons delivered to a lodging if your stay permits delivery time. Another favorite of mine for comfort and discretion is the Northshore GoSupreme Pull-on. There truly are some very good products to choose from out there. Good luck. Don