I was involved in a motorcycle accident in 2014. As a result I have been in adult nappies 24/7 since then. I have tried lots of medications and none of them worked. I was eventually diagnosed with an oab in 2017. This was through a urodynamics test. I tried the botox injection and this didn't really work for me. The botox froze my bladder to the point of not functioning at all. I had to self catheterise, which was painful and led to an uti. Once the botox wore off I went back to the adult nappies. This is still slightly embarrassing, bit all my friends and family are aware of my problem and I guess I'm lucky to have an understanding partner. Being in nappies 24/7 has become just another part of my life. There is a stigma attached to incontinence, but once you explain your problem to people they usually understand. I'm 43 and I still work full-time. There are so many options out there for people and trust me you're not alone. If anyone is looking for advice or someone to talk to feel free to reply. I'm so glad I found this site. It seems to be 100% genuine.
Dear Kevin: THANK YOU for your post. Sharing helps a lot. I am an 83-year-old caretaker of my soul mate of 33 years and am often now despaired. :cry: For the past 3 years I am taking care of X., who also is 83 yrs. old and 6'8" while I am 5'1" and have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which causes painful problems when I have flare-ups. You are correct, this FORUM can help and encourage! My greatest problem is getting through the night without bed [pad] wetting. Although I prepare for the night for X. the regular pull-up underwear with one aditional 'buster' pad, that sometimes is not enough. Do you know of any product or system, which could work? Now I am setting for 2 AM my alarm, get X to awake and get him to the BA, where I encourage him to urinate, then check his underwear and depending on wettness change them or just change the 'buster' pad. I am exhausted, as I do not have had any proper, undisturbed sleep for 2 yrs. now. Any tips I would greatly appreciate!! :pensive: Again: I am very thankful for having been able to read your post. With friendly regards, Christa
It is a stigma and just depressing any level of incontinence. I am profoundly physically disabled. And so many issues besides being completely incontinent. Women do have other concerns with bowel incontinence. But there are ways to help with that too. We have to try to make the most of our situations
Christa, I am so sorry to hear about your struggle. Incontinence can be such a struggle for caregivers. I have been dealing with incontinence for over 20 years. You need a super absorbent overnight diaper that will not leak overnight. I use the NorthShore Care Air supreme or supreme diapers. I also wear a waterproof pant over the diaper, just in case of any leaks. They also have a Mega-Max extra super absorbent diaper as well you might want to check out. Here is a link to the overnight diaper page on their site: https://www.northshorecare.com/adult-diapers/overnight-diapers-for-adults
They have an excellent blog on overnight diapers at: https://www.northshorecare.com/blog/best-overnight-diapers-for-adults
If you facing Incontinencese issue then use Wellness Briefs Diapers for Adult. This adult diapers & most absorbent pull ups inspired by NASA technology, Stay dry for 8 hours.
Dear TEXAN: Thank you for your kind response, VERY HELPFUL! Forgive my belated acknowledgement, I had a VERY painful flare-up of my RA and was now diagnosed with another painful condition: GOUT. But I try, as we all do :-) 'to hang in there'. Will update when success has happened. Christa