Would you like to help improve the lives of others suffering incontience?
Dear all,
We are two students from Copenhagen Business School, writing our thesis on decision making processes for stigmatized illnesses, focusing on people with urinary incontinence. As students, we both are very passionate about the healthcare industry and especially about helping people with symptoms that potentially can have a great impact on their lives.
Our thesis is focused on helping Healthcare Professionals to better understand the journey that their patients go through. For the project, we are currently seeking males with urinary incontinence that would be willing to answer a short survey, to better understand their journey, mind-set and behaviour when choosing between products.
You can find the survey by the following link: https://copenhagenbusiness.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3adfE9Zkh3xXdel
Our main aim of the project is to make healthcare decision making easier, hopefully making incontinence less stigmatized – and improving the lives of many people. If you would be willing to be available for a completely anonymous interview or survey, please do not hesitate to reach out to dkmarpe@gmail.com or comment here on this post.
We greatly appreciate any help or information.
Thank you in advance and please feel free to share!