Hello. So to cut to the chase, I’ve always had an issue with controlling my bladder in certain situations. As a child if someone tickled me I would pee myself, and I’m not talking a tiny drop, I’m talking full on wetting myself. It goes beyond tickling though. If I laugh too hard I almost always wet myself or barely make it to the bathroom. If I exercise I feel the need to pee almost always. I’m 24 years old now and feel like it’s getting a bit worse, coughing and sneezing trigger a little accident. I guess my question is, is it normal to have such weak pelvic flooring since I was a young child? And what are some good ways to strengthen my pelvic floor? Thanks in advance. ♥️
Hi Lauren, Ive had some of the same issues as a kid and sometimes wet my bed. My mom took me to the dr, she called it giggle incontinence. I started taking meds for it that helped but didnt stop it. Its an awful feeling trying not to laugh because your scared youll wet yourself or worse friends find out you wear "special" undies.
Have you seen a dr? Theres a lot of meds that can help and doing kegels. You really should ask about continence clinics,they have really good advice on how to handle these issues. I still go because of a spinal injury. Theres also tons of info online. Im guessing you must already have looked into pads and stuff, they can help avoid embarrasment even though its awkward having to buy them. To answer your question its not "normal" to have a weak pelvic muscles or bladder but it does happen. Even 2 of my gfs pee a bit if they laugh or for Allie drink, if she stays over at our apt after going to a club we wont let her sleep on our couch 🍷🤦♀️ lol. Hope this helped.
Hi Lauren, Ive had some of the same issues as a kid and sometimes wet my bed. My mom took me to the dr, she called it giggle incontinence. I started taking meds for it that helped but didnt stop it. Its an awful feeling trying not to laugh because your scared youll wet yourself or worse friends find out you wear "special" undies. Im getting off topic lol.
Have you seen a dr? Theres a lot of meds that can help and doing kegels. You really should ask about continence clinics,they have really good advice on how to handle these issues. I still go because of a spinal injury. Theres also tons of info online. Im guessing you must already have looked into pads and stuff, they can help avoid embarrasment even though its awkward having to buy them. Hope this helps