I noted the subject of 'catheters' on the main menu and thought I'd pass this info along. There is a new product known as "Duette" now on the market (Google same) which as the name suggests has not one but two inflatable balloons, and there's an intelligent logic behind the design. Virtually all Foley catheters have about a half-inch of rigid tip with a pair of lumens (openings to allow urine drainage; the problem is that this rigid tip can and will cause bladder spasms...painful...and can begin the creation of UTI's. The "Duette" design places the lumend between the two balloons, and when inflated the soft tip created encases the rigid area still required for proper insertion. Hope this makes sense. Anyway, the upper balloon reduces the in-bladder irritation significantly. although many doctors are unaware or unwilling to shift to this new product, so if considering a catheter it's best to arrive armed with all the info. Cheers !