Due to a recent neurological issue I’ve become incontinent of urine. I still have a little bladder control but I pee my pants more that I make it to the toilet. I’m really stressed out and embarrassed. It’s only been going on for one week and it’s another month until I can see the doctor who might be able to help. But what I need advice on is the bed wetting. I have been peeing my bed twice every night. I wake up around 4am and I’m soaked. I got the highest absorbency diaper I could find at the Walmart in my small town. But it is almost no better than if I wore no protection. I change and then when I wake up again I’m soaked again. I ordered some samples from north shore but is there anything I can do before they come to help? I’m so embarrassed to be 23 and needing diapers, but I thought wearing them would at least keep me dry.
Dear Piper, This can be very distressing and very frustrating. You might be able to find some absorbent bed pads at a local pharmacy to sleep on until you get the products from NorthShore. I have been there. One thing you need to do is to order some super absorbent diapers from the internet. One supplier that I have used is NorthShore Care. There are some really excellent products out there that will prevent leaks from getting your bed wet. You will be able to sleep so much better not having to worry about soaking your bed! This link will take you to the page with the overnight super absorbent diapers: https://www.northshorecare.com/adult-diapers/adult-diapers-with-tabs
They will be glad to send you free samples of any products that you want to try. I would start with the Air Supreme Briefs and the MegaMax briefs. Be sure to check your waist measurement to order the correct size. They also have boost pads that can be placed inside these diapers to increase absorbancy. I also wear some type of waterproof pant over my overnight diapers.These are available from a company called Llmedico. The link for the terry cloth lined plastic pants is: https://www.llmedico.com/gary-pull-on-terry-lined-plastic-pants/ Feel free to email me if you need. Let us know how you are doing.
Thank you! I have been doubling up on diapers which is uncomfy, but has been preventing waking up drenched, but I’ll try ordering those diapers you suggested. I don’t know how you all do this. I feel constantly embarrassed and worried someone will find out. My appt with the neurosurgeon got moved up, which is good, but also I’m nervous about having surgery.
Piper, Yes, all this can be very intimidating, frustrating and embarrassing. My issues did not start quite as young as yours, but I've been dealing with this for over 20 years. One thing to remember is that your incontinence and need for diapers does not define who you are. The diapers are just different underwear that allow us to live a very normal life. It took me a while to get used to wearing protection 24/7 and I too was always worried that someone would know. I found that it is much less embarrassing to wear enough protection to prevent leaks than to have a leak on my clothes that people can see. Now I don't feel protected if I don't have on a very thick diaper. It does take some getting used to, but it will get better. If you're doubling up on diapers at night, be sure to cut some slits in the first one so moisture can get to the second one. Otherwise moisture will just flow out the sides of the first diaper and you will still leak. Let us know if the samples from Northshore come and if they are working. Good news on getting the appointment moved up. Don't be embarrassed to wear protection to that appointment, better than wet clothes and they see everything! Really take time to learn about the surgery and maybe even a second opinion if you can. Be sure to try the Mega-Max for overnight and the Air Supreme for daytime from Northshore. Email me if you want to talk more.