i spoke to a friend at an APT today and he was telling me how he was switching companies for a cure? Cure Medical advertises "THE CURE COMMITMENT 10% of our net income is always donated to research in pursuit of a cure". Honestly, I'm going to switch anyway because the rep I spoke to was awesome and gave me his cell number if god forbid i have issues moving forward with my monthly supplies.
but that's not the point, why isn't something like this pushed more and why haven't I heard of this, is it a lesser product. to my knowledge and based off of what Carlos told me there isn't any real difference between the caths. So in my head I'm thinking switching is good I get the personal touch of my rep, and im helping with a cure (or at least I think I am). basically is anyone else using Cure am I missing something? the cure isn't he only brand they offer but its the one he recommends for that purpos. i use a single-use closed system
I have used the Cure Hydrophilic Male 16 FR catheter for about 3 years now. I think you'll be incredibly happy! I don't know if you have sensation in your urethra (I do not), but there is a DEFINITE difference in the Cure catheter drainage eyes. They are smoother on the edges than other catheters. Don't believe me? Take whatever brand you are using now, and run your finger over the drainage eyes. On the cure, they are smooth..on other caths, they are a bit ragged..not sharp, but not as smooth as the Cure. That and Cure is a great company! I tried samples of their Cure Ultra and really didn't like it. It's a fine product, just not for me. Well, after emailing Cure, the PRESIDENT of the company took time to contact me personally and send me a free box of what I usually use "for my trouble".
All in all an EXCELLENT company and just as excellent product! Not sure why word hasn't spread more, but I promote the Cure brand (no monetary benefit to me) to anyone I can. Never have had an issue with bleeding after cathing, difficulty inserting the cath, or anything. I think you'll be very happy.