I need to change as soon as I have had a bowel movement. with me, 1 bowel movement is so large, I just can't cope with the smell afterwards- and a lot of the time it's basically because my nappy is too full
the only 2 times I'll change is if I am going somewhere, or meeting someone (because I don't want to meet someone smelling, and I am sure they have the same expectations), or if my nappy is absolutely full (meaning it couldn't take anymore even if I wanted it to). sometimes I will go to bed dirty, or I will wake up and not change, depending on what I am doing, and how full the nappy is (I could go round smelling for hours)
recently, my accidents are worse at nights. I've been waking at 2, 3 A.M in the morning, just stinking (I either wake all ready full, or wake and I'm still filling). I wait until I am finished, change, and go from their. I like to try for minimal 2 changes, 3 or 4 if I absolutely have to. so far today it's been 3
At the age when I was 15 years old, I sleep in the nude. When I was 15 years old, I went commando At age 72 I have to wear a diaper and that was after my prostate surgery and diagnosis with very early stages of prostate cancer but no treatment so far is required. Now, I am in a diaper 24/7 and need to change my diaper up to two times a day but at times three times. Most of the time I urinate when I wake up in bed during the night and during the morning. It will be a Constance flow. Recently, I pee when I drive regardless of when and where I am. It has given me a relaxed feeling when that happen. I had to learn to live with my disability but I had all the support from people around me and that is a great help.
My wife has had MS for nearly 30 years. She has suffered urinary incontinence to one degree or another for a long time. Unfortunately for the last 3 or 4 years. She is in the advanced cruel stages of the disease. Mostly confined to bed or Her wheelchair. Dependent on caregivers or Me. For pretty much everything. Including changing Her adult diapers. Every morning one of the firsts tasks is to change Her. After We get Her out of bed and into Her chair. Usually by mid to late morning its time to change Her again. Then at some point in the afternoon. Then usually after dinner. And then once before bed. We use the tranquility overnight diapers most of the time. They are more expensive. But it helps to keep the urine off Her skin for a couple of wettings. Unless Her bladder has a extra heavy void. So 5-6 changes a day. Infusion days can be worse.