This is great but I am looking for a Support Group in St Petersburg or nearby. Talked w/my doctor's office about starting one - they will not cause of red tape required by hospital system. That is so much garbage!
If you live in or near St Petersburg FL, please let me know so we can get a group started. I belong to a Myasthenia Gravis Support Group and it is very helpful which is why I am either looking for one here or trying to start one.
Incontinence started in mid-2021. Finally went to doctor who has sent me to a PT for PDFE and just had first session with 3 to follow. Lot of exercises which will hopefully work, pelvic muscles weak per invasive treatment (that is one of my questions - does it have to be invasive?).
Reading this, I wish you all were where I am so we could have a support group. Best to you all.