Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
Hey there Rob!
No correction needed. You are absolutely correct. Most diapers are just not made for a large flood like that. The only ones I can think of offhand that most likely would handle that (I leak all the time and flood a lot, but not THAT much at one time, with heavier fluid intake) are maybe the Northshore MegaMax, BetterDry "10" Briefs (highest absorbency) and maybe a couple others. The majority of disposable diapers on the market though will definitely not handle that kind of volume at one time. Noting Brandie's comment, the Tranquility ATN are decent, but have never had them handle a flood once they are wet.
Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
For me, the large floods are rare but they do happen. It seems that my incontinence has come roaring back without rhyme or reason after being dormant for the better part of 2 months? I was completly dry (almost) at work, MAYBE having one or two episodes near the end of my shift, and thus getting away with a midrange disposable, Seni Super Plus. It was great, because I could get 75 of those for 82 dollars on LL Medico. But, then, I started having more episodes again. FOr the first time in months, I resorted to wearing cloth diapers to work. I hadn't needed that level of protection in quite a while. I wasn't exaclty faithful in taking my Ditropan though.. maybe that had something to do with it. I think the Ditropan IS helping, though how much it is helping remains to be seen.
I would think my pattern of flooding is not common among folks who have reflex type incontinence, but rather overflow incontinence. I don't sometimes get sensations of how full my bladder is until its ready to burst. At that point, I can't say I blame my bladder for wanting to empty NOW. The overflow also tracks with the dribbling i seem to also experience. Smaller spurts that feel as if I am ejaculating urine.
As soon as I noticed more frequent heavy wettings, I didn't take chances. I ordered 2 bags of Better Dry. It was a bit annoying, because had I known, I would have ordered a case of Better Dry instead of another case of Seni Super Plus. Sigh. This is where incontinence managment can get tricky. Thankfully, I'll always have my cloth diapers which can be customized for any absorbency level needed. However, they have fallen in to disuse as of late since I wanted to cut down the amount of laundry I was doing, and my bladder was, again, dormant. The Seni Super were more than enough to handly the occasional episode.
Anyway, I digress. I haven't been here a lot lately but the other incontinence forum seems to be on the fritz.
Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
Hey there Rob!
No correction needed. You are absolutely correct. Most diapers are just not made for a large flood like that. The only ones I can think of offhand that most likely would handle that (I leak all the time and flood a lot, but not THAT much at one time, with heavier fluid intake) are maybe the Northshore MegaMax, BetterDry "10" Briefs (highest absorbency) and maybe a couple others. The majority of disposable diapers on the market though will definitely not handle that kind of volume at one time. Noting Brandie's comment, the Tranquility ATN are decent, but have never had them handle a flood once they are wet.
Hope everyone is doing well!
I would classify ATN as a midrange brief, and when it comes to midrange briefs, I operate on a change-when-wet basis. When I am working, I usually opt for maximum protection premium type breifs, ie, Better Dry, Northshore, Crinkz, etc. I took 2 ditropan this morning as prescribed by my urologist, but that doesn't seem to calm things down at all. I went ahead and ordered a full case of Better Dry in addition to the 2 bags I got the other day. It seems like heavier protection will have to be a fashion statement for me for a while, unfortunately.
Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
The Tranquility ATN work ok for Me. I have not had many leaks. I am really a medium but I wear a size large or extra large even. Most of the time I had a leak. Was if I just had a really bad accident bladder and bowels. Or if it happened when I was being transfered from bed to power chair or vice versa. I think people that can still walk. Tend to have more issues with leaks. I'm a small woman. But I have problems with quadriplegic spasms and MS tremors. Some days its bad. A lot of times in bed I just lay on a large bed pad. When My body leaks. My caregiver can just easily roll Me off the pad and change it. So I only have to use the adult diaper briefs. When I'm in My chair or to get through the night. We used the cheaper briefs and also the Secure Xplus which were really good. But the local healthcare supply we have used for years. Quit selling those I think.
Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
Just to see how much my typical flood in the morning is, I used an old sauce container to measure the fluid of my bladder capacity after waking up after sleeping. This is normally when the really big floods happen so I thought I would be pretty secure in getting this as an accurate reading. The void filled the entire jar of Ragu Sauce. It wasn't quite to the top but it was close. That is 2 cups or 18 Oz or 500 ml of urine. All at once. Needless to say, most mid-range briefs will not handle that. If they do, a product will need to be changed immediately.
Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
I rely on better dry with a booster inside that handles most of my average wettings. Yes major floods are a problem but I fortunately have few of those. Nightime is entirely different as I wet numerous times a night and the only solution is thick cloth diapers with comfortable plastic pants with all edges tucked in. I’m a primarily side sleeper and no disposables have ever worked for me overnight.
Re: Most diapers NOT designed to handle very large sustained flood.
I rely on better dry with a booster inside that handles most of my average wettings. Yes major floods are a problem but I fortunately have few of those. Nightime is entirely different as I wet numerous times a night and the only solution is thick cloth diapers with comfortable plastic pants with all edges tucked in. I’m a primarily side sleeper and no disposables have ever worked for me overnight.
Hey Doug!
I am also a fan of Better Dry. But not in the summer.. In the summer I opt for Seni. Plastic backed products are too hot in the summer. Right now though, my use of dispsoables is minimal. I am using cloth as much as possible to save on money and enviormental waste. When i do use disposables, Better Dry is definetly one of my go-to brands for sure, depending on the weather.