Article: You wrote that your Fred Van Auken was probably born in Seneca, NY ca 1873 (son of Eliakim C. Van Auken and Mary L. Cook). You mentioned that Fred's family moved from NY to Nebraska about 1878 and that he lived with or near his sister, Georgia VA Spafford in Los Angeles, CA, Creston IA, and St. Joseph, MO. Further, you mentioned he may never have married but he was alive in 1899.
I have checked my records and unfortunately don't have a direct answer for you. We have the family listed with children, Georgianna (b ca 1871), Ford C. (b 1872)(perhaps that should be Fred), and Lloyd (b Jun 1884 NE). This info was from census records. The address changes are: 1880 Webster Co, IA; 1884 NE; 1890 at 1212 Lincoln Place, Los Angeles CA; and 1900 Union Co, IA.
I would be interested in any information you can add on this family.
I am not sure what research you have already done, but do want to suggest locating obituary/newspaper records for Eliakim and Mary. Maybe you will get a clue from those. Also, it would be helpful to find him in the 1900 census. I don't think he was in IA in 1900. It might be helpful to check St. Joseph, MO records for a death record and newspaper accounts.
The A-7 mentioned in the last reply refers to Robert A. Van Auken's Index to persons born with the VA /VA name. "That" Fred was descended from Abraham VA, son of Marinus, and is the 7th generation from Marinus. "Your" Fred (P-7 from Pieter)and sister, Georgianna,are not listed in the Index and we would love to add them.
By the way, if you are interested in our VA/VA Newsletter and Reunion Invitation, please send me your snail mail address. Or write to me at: 38 Padanaram Ave B-18, Danbury CT 06811.
Keep in touch!
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Replying to Original Article:
Looking for any information about great-uncle Fred Van Auken. We believe that he was born in early 1870s and died in early 1900s. According to family stories Fred was a telegraph operator at a railroad yard. Fred was killed when he was hit by a train in or near St. Joseph, MO. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Fred VA from Steuben County, NY. Possibly had a brother named Ben. One or both of them married my grandmother's sister, Julia Ensign. Email me if any of this fits.
ROn Hughes
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Replying to:
Article: You wrote that your Fred Van Auken was probably born in Seneca, NY ca 1873 (son of Eliakim C. Van Auken and Mary L. Cook). You mentioned that Fred's family moved from NY to Nebraska about 1878 and that he lived with or near his sister, Georgia VA Spafford in Los Angeles, CA, Creston IA, and St. Joseph, MO. Further, you mentioned he may never have married but he was alive in 1899.
I have checked my records and unfortunately don't have a direct answer for you. We have the family listed with children, Georgianna (b ca 1871), Ford C. (b 1872)(perhaps that should be Fred), and Lloyd (b Jun 1884 NE). This info was from census records. The address changes are: 1880 Webster Co, IA; 1884 NE; 1890 at 1212 Lincoln Place, Los Angeles CA; and 1900 Union Co, IA.
I would be interested in any information you can add on this family.
I am not sure what research you have already done, but do want to suggest locating obituary/newspaper records for Eliakim and Mary. Maybe you will get a clue from those. Also, it would be helpful to find him in the 1900 census. I don't think he was in IA in 1900. It might be helpful to check St. Joseph, MO records for a death record and newspaper accounts.
The A-7 mentioned in the last reply refers to Robert A. Van Auken's Index to persons born with the VA /VA name. "That" Fred was descended from Abraham VA, son of Marinus, and is the 7th generation from Marinus. "Your" Fred (P-7 from Pieter)and sister, Georgianna,are not listed in the Index and we would love to add them.
By the way, if you are interested in our VA/VA Newsletter and Reunion Invitation, please send me your snail mail address. Or write to me at: 38 Padanaram Ave B-18, Danbury CT 06811.
Keep in touch!
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Replying to Original Article:
Looking for any information about great-uncle Fred Van Auken. We believe that he was born in early 1870s and died in early 1900s. According to family stories Fred was a telegraph operator at a railroad yard. Fred was killed when he was hit by a train in or near St. Joseph, MO. Any help would be greatly appreciated.