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Camp Pope Bookshop

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Camp Pope Bookshop
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Another couple things that could help customers

I would like to see books that are modern reprints of very old books (first published 50+ years ago) carry both dates. I've foolishly bought several books that have publish dates listed in the 1990s thinking they were modern studies only to find out they were written in the Victorian era. Now, it would be a hassle to do this with all books, I would only propose it be done for above type books that.

Another of my pet peeves is books that describe themselves as regimental histories but are really only glorified roster lists-- 10 pages of text and 90 pages of rosters. many of these books are so obscure you can't really research them beforehand to find this info. I know Clark includes the existence of rosters in his short book listing descriptions and this provides a clue but it would be great to know if the rosters (which are of negligible interest to many) are 75% of the book's pages!